Document 1971 DOCN M94A1971 TI Caring safely for people with HIV or AIDS: resources for safeguarding nonprofession caregivers. DT 9412 AU Shotton P; de Burger R; Canadian Public Health Association. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):41 (abstract no. 136B/D). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370604 AB OBJECTIVE: To design, produce and disseminate resources that explain infection control precautions for nonprofessional caregivers in the home. METHOD: A National Working Group was formed composed of experts in infection control with representation from local level practitioners and home support groups in Canada. Initial work examined existing resources, and new resources were designed, with particular care being paid to literacy level and graphical illustrations. The resources were focus tested in both English and French, with groups of nonprofessional caregivers of people with HIV or AIDS, and HIV positive individuals. RESULTS: The fact sheets and poster produced are colourful and easy to understand explanations of infection control measures that apply directly to the Canadian environment. The text is written at a Grade 6 level, which is deemed accessible to a wide audience, including those whose mother tongue is not English or French. DISCUSSION: As the trend for long term care of people with HIV or AIDS in the home continues, the need for resources tailored to a nonprofessional audience will grow. Focus testing during this project clearly highlighted the demand for information on other issues such as treatments, psychosocial issues, stress management, burnout and nursing care, developed for a lay audience. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/*NURSING/PREVENTION & CONTROL Audio-Visual Aids Canada Caregivers/*EDUCATION Health Education/*METHODS Home Nursing Human HIV Infections/*NURSING/PREVENTION & CONTROL MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).